quantum field theory - Traceless of stress-energy tensor

On large N limit of symmetric traceless tensor models A feature of the symmetric traceless tensor models is that some vacuum diagrams containing odd numbers of vertices are suppressed only by N -1/2 relative to the melonic graphs. For some theories where the degrees of freedom are tensors of rank 3 or higher, there exist solvable large N limits dominated by the melonic diagrams. Traceless - definition - English A set of coupled equations, linear in the traceless tensors, for the shear rate and the rate of orientation as a function of the stress tensor and the degree of orientation, enables to derive expressions for the (complex) viscosity and the (complex) normal stress coefficients both in stationary and periodic shear, and, for the complex viscosity, also in parallel superposition of these two The basics of gravitational wave theory traceless components of the metric perturbation. This analysis helps to clarify which degrees of freedom in general relativity are radiative and which are not, a useful of the Isaacson stress-energy tensor, demonstrating how GWs carry energy and curve spacetime. Section 6 provides a very brief synopsis of GW astronomy, leading the The Stress Tensor of the Electromagnetic Field

The decomposition states that the evolution equations for the most general linearized perturbations of the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric can be decomposed into four scalars, two divergence-free spatial vector fields (that is, with a spatial index running from 1 to 3), and a traceless, symmetric spatial tensor field with

I understand how to create a traceless symmetric tensor, like $$ \hat{X}_{ij} = X_{ij} - \frac{1}{N}\delta_{ij}X_{hh} $$ with Einstein convention of summing over repeated indices. (By the way, I'm following here the book "Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists", by A. Zee). The physical significance of a traceless energy-momentum tensor or $\text{Tr}(T_{ab}) = 0$ means that the addition of the diagonal terms of the matrix is $0$.. Now, the energy momentum tensor carries its identity with:

facts suggest that to perform analysis of a tensor field in terms of its anisotropy, it is sufficient to study the deviator tensor field. The set of 3D traceless tensors is a five-dimensional linear space, that is, the sum of two traceless tensors as well as a scalar multiple of a traceless tensor are both traceless. Such tensors have the

The quadrupole moment tensor is defined as a traceless rank-two tensor (3x3 matrix). As Dr. Slavchov explained,it is also symmetric, which means that only 5 of all 9 components are independent. Lenka Lakomá, Projections of tensor spaces; Shoichi Funabashi, Hyang Sook Kim, Y.-M. Kim, Jin Suk Pak, Traceless component of the conformal curvature tensor in Kähler manifold; Shoichi Funabashi, Jin Suk Pak, Yang Jae Shin, On the normality of an almost contact 3-structure on Q R-submanifolds