This only shows the imbalance between age old procedure adopted in India and the advancement which Indian society has made. The session focuses on the dynamics of cyber world with respect of privacy concerns and freedom issues with special reference to cyber laws of countries like India, European Nations and United States of America.

Privacy in Cyberspace: Is It Possible? : NPR Jan 20, 2006 Privacy — More Than a Modern-Day Issue - FortKnoxster - Medium Nov 17, 2017 IJCA - Privacy and Freedom Issues in Cyberspace with Privacy and freedom issues in cyber security with reference to IT law takes on important new meaning in cyberspace. Privacy and freedom of expression is said to be universally known for any individual’s fundamental right. But when we talk about these right in terms of cyber space… Cybercrime Dilemma: Is it Possible to Guarantee Both

14,400,000 Fraud Victims. Over 14 million people fell victim to online fraud annually and paid $1.7 billion in out-of-pocket fraud costs

Mar 26, 2015 Exclusive: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted a series of covert cyber operations against Iran and other targets since winning a secret victory in 2018 when President Trump signed what amounts to Threats To Freedom Of Speech And Privacy Spread Globally

Exclusive: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to