would you know what is the IP address of the SMTP GMAIL (It allows you to send mail from a batch windows) @echo off set repertoire="C:\Mon repertoire\" set emetteur=email.emmeteur@domaine.com set eMail=email.destinataireg@domaine.com set copie=-cc destinataire.copie@domaine.com set subj=-s "Titre de mon message" set server=-server smtp.domaine.com set x=-x "X-Header-Test: header

How do I find my SMTP server address for GMail? Nov 25, 2019 windows - IP address of the SMTP GMAIL - Super User Rather than IP address you should actually use domain address since IP address might easily change. For smtp server in google domain use smtp.gmail.com … Google IP address ranges for outbound SMTP - G Suite Admin

How to Set up and Configure SMTP in WordPress

As per this, I can ascertain Google's general address ranges, however I can't seem to isolate the SMTP servers directly. Curiously, I made an inquiry to a VPN company at one point and they replied with all of the specific Gmail SMTP servers, but did not and would not explain how to ascertain these IP addresses. How to Use a Free SMTP Server for WordPress Emails (7

Office 365 SMTP Relay Configuration to Send Emails via the

Jan 21, 2014 How to setup email notifications via Gmail for Dahua May 31, 2020 routing - How to isolate Google Gmail SMTP server IPs As per this, I can ascertain Google's general address ranges, however I can't seem to isolate the SMTP servers directly. Curiously, I made an inquiry to a VPN company at one point and they replied with all of the specific Gmail SMTP servers, but did not and would not explain how to ascertain these IP addresses.